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Monday, March 24, 2014

Crispy Red Potato Wedges

Crispy Red Potato Wedges

This side is so easy I hardly use a recipe for it! It's great for making as little or as much as you want. Try it with Parsley Sauce!

The "recipe"
  • Red potatoes (I'll use about 2 medium-sized ones for myself. This gets me through a meal with a few leftovers)
  • Olive oil (2-3 tbsp, divided)
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste

Cut potatoes into 1-inch wedge slices. This part is harder to figure out than it seems, but as long as most of them are about the same size you should be okay. Start by cutting the potato in half and then cut each half at a diagonal in about 1-inch slices. 

Place potatoes in a microwave-safe bowl or container. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle on some salt and pepper to taste. Toss with your hands. Loosely cover with container lid or paper towel.

Microwave for about 6 minutes, stirring halfway through. 

Meanwhile, heat up about a tablespoon or two of olive oil in large skillet. The oil is heated enough when just smoking, or when a drop of water splashed on it lightly sizzles. Once potatoes are finished microwaving, stir, and place in skillet in one even layer. If you're making a lot of potatoes you may have to do this in batches. 

Leave potatoes on skillet without stirring for 3-4 minutes or until golden brown. Gently flip and leave without stirring for another 3-4 minutes, until other side is also golden brown. Transfer to dry paper towel and serve warm. These are amazing with a steak and Parsley Sauce!

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